Experiencing Life

Forests and Biomes

Where the wide variety of environments can be experienced

Western Forests - Focus: Trip 5

  1. Greater Yellowstone
  2. Northwest
    • Piñyon/Juniper - Between Redmond and Sisters, OR (Hwy 126)
    • Ponderosa Pine - Bend, OR area
    • Western Oak - Shasta-Trinity National Forest (near Delta, CA)
    • Redwood - Redwoods
    • Tanoak/Laurel - Klamath National Forest (between Hiuchi and Rockland, CA)
    • Western White Pine - Klamath National Forest (Rockland, CA, near CA/OR line)
    • California Mixed Conifer - Klamath National Forest (Grayback Road, from Takilma, OR to Happy Camp, CA)
    • Hemlock/Sitka Spruce (Temperate Rainforest) - Olympic
    • Douglas Fir - Olympic
    • Fir/Spruce/Mountain Hemlock - Crater Lake
    • Alder/Maple - Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park (East of Seattle)
    • Other Western Softwoods - Tiffany Mountain, WA (road to Tiffany Springs Campground)
    • Western Larch - Colville National Forest, WA
  3. California

Taiga/Boreal Forest - Focus: Trips 8 & 11

  1. Great Lakes
  2. Alaska

Eastern Forests - Focus: Trips 2 & 8

  1. Southeast
  2. Great Lakes

Tropical Forests - Focus: Trips 2 & 12

  1. Southeast
  2. Hawaii
    • Many locations

Deserts - Focus: Trips 4, 7 & 9

  1. Four Corners
  2. California
  3. Southwest

Polar Environments - Focus: Trip 11
Nothing in the Experiencing Life series is truly polar, but the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is close.

  1. Alaska

Tundra - Focus: Trips 6 & 11

  1. Heartland
  2. Alaska

Grasslands - Focus: Trip 6

  1. Heartland

Wetlands - Focus: Trips 2 & 6

  1. Southeast
  2. Heartland

Freshwater Environments - Focus: Trip 8

  1. Great Lakes
    • Various Freshwater Environments - Shedd Aquarium
    • Large Lakes - Pictured Rocks
    • Ponds and Small Lakes - Voyageurs
    • Rivers and Riparian Systems - Devonian Gorge, Voyageurs

Estuaries - Focus: Trip 10

  1. Mid-Atlantic
    • Chesapeake Bay

Marine Environments - Focus: Trips 2, 3, 7 & 12

  1. Southeast
    • Coral Reefs - Florida Keys
  2. Northeast
    • Open Ocean, Deep Ocean and Intertidal - Gulf of Maine
  3. California
    • Open Ocean, Deep Ocean, Kelp Forests and Intertidal - Monterey Bay
  4. Hawaii
    • Coral Reefs, Open Ocean - Hawaii Marine Sanctuaries

Extreme Environments - Focus: Trip 1

  1. Greater Yellowstone
    • High Temperature - Yellowstone
    • High and Low pH - Yellowstone
    • High Salinity - Great Salt Lake
  2. California
    • High Alkalinity - Mono Lake
  3. Southwest
    • Total Darkness - Carlsbad Caverns
  4. Alaska
    • Freezing Temperatures - Glacier Bay

Human Environments - Focus: Trips 6 & 10

  1. Heartland
    • Farmland - From Missouri to Colorado
  2. Mid-Atlantic
    • Urban Environments - Washington, D.C, New York
Trip Menu
  1. Greater Yellowstone
  2. Southeast
  3. Northeast
  4. Four Corners
  5. Northwest
  6. Heartland
  7. California
  8. Great Lakes
  9. Southwest
  10. Mid-Atlantic
  11. Alaska
  12. Hawaii

Overview Map


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