Red Spotted Newt 35-II
Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens)

Chapter Outline
  1. Description of Tetrapoda
  2. Classification of Tetrapoda
  3. Gymnophiona
  4. Caudata
  5. Anura
  6. Paleo Tetrapoda

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Tetrapoda is the clasification containing four-legged animals. It is first split between amphibians, which require water to reproduce, and amniotes, which do not. Amphibia is the focus of this chapter and Amniota will be explored in the following chapters.

Amphibia is split between the order Gymnophiona, the caecilians, and Batrachia, the classification containing the orders Caudata and Anura. Caudata contains the salamanders and newts while Anura contains the frogs and toads.

  • Amphibia
    • Gymnophiona (page III)
    • Batrachia
      • Caudata (page IV)
      • Anura (page V)
  • Amniota
    • Sauropsida (Chapters 36 and 37)
    • Mammalia (Chapter 38)


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